Tanks Game

Tanks is a free multiplayer game featuring many game types. Releases are made continuously and we welcome your feedback, feature requests and donations!

You can play Tanks as singleplayer against enemies and bots or together with friends in multiplayer. The game includes about 20 levels and a level editor. Tanks features high pace action in several game styles:

DeathmatchDestroy as many opponents as possible
RaceBe the first to reach the checkered flag
King of the HillTake control of the hill
The BombRun away from the bomb
Treasure HuntGet away with the treasure
Capture the CratePush the crate to your base
Capture the FlagBring the opponents flag to your base
Seek & DestroyDestroy all enemies
SurvivalSurvive as many rounds of enemies as possible
DominationHold as many control points as possible
AssaultDestroy enemy bases and defend your own

Customize the game by creating new levels, personal avatars, server banner and your favourite music!

Visit the facebook page here.


Capture the Crate game play.

List of players, game setup and chat.


Tanks is developed by David, Johan and Pontus. You can follow our development progress here. We welcome your feedback and feature proposals via email or facebook!


The included readme file should have all needed documentation. If you have any problems, please let us know!


If you enjoy this game and want to support new releases you can donate any amount:

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